All Question (English)

Q Ingesting Dust while Fasting
Q Dying one’s Hair while Fasting
Q Administering Medicine through the Eyes while Fasting
Q Bleeding from a Finger while Fasting
Q Wearing Contact Lenses and Administering Medicine through the Eyes while Fasting
Q Involuntarily Ejaculating Semen while Sleeping
Q Expressing Affection to a Child by Kissing while Fasting
Q Celebrating and Congratulating Each Other on the Beginning of the New Gregorian Year
Q Swallowing Each Other’s Saliva while Having Sexual Intercourse
Q Giving Fidyah Despite having the Ability to Perform Qaza
Q Ruling for Performing Qaza for Fasts Missed due to Menstruation in Case of Weakness
Q Qaza for the Fasts Missed by a Mentally Ill Person
Q Giving Fidyah for the Fasts of the Upcoming Ramadan
Q Having Sexual Intercourse while Observing a Qaza Fast does not make it Obligatory to give Kaffarah
Q Is it Mandatory to Observe Qaza Fasts on Consecutive Days?
Q Is Qaza Mandatory or is Giving Fidyah instead Enough? Also, What is the Amount to be Given for Fidyah?
Q Swallowing Phlegm While Fasting
Q Getting Bitten by a Snake while Fasting
Q What Should be Done if Ghusl e Janabah becomes Wajib while Fasting?
Q Bleeding from Teeth while Fasting
Q Using a Miswak while Fasting
Q Applying Oil or Henna on the Head while Fasting
Q Showering Repeatedly while Fasting
Q Qaza Fasts in Sha'ban
Q What if Steam Enters through the Nose while Going through a Sanitiser Gate while Fasting?
Q Showering to Cool Down and Rinsing the Mouth to Quench Thirst while Fasting
Q Getting Vaccinated for COVID while Fasting
Q Swimming while Fasting
Q Can Hanafi perform Asr prayer after Misl e Awal?
Q Nature of the Prophet's Worship before Receiving Prophethood (Nubawwat)
Q Compensation for Not Performing Qurbani during the Specified Days
Q Minimum Age Requirement for Sacrificial Animals
Q The Days of Qurbani
Q Distribution of Qurbani Meat
Q Buying Two Moderately-Priced Animals Instead of One Expensive Animal for Qurbani
Q There is No Alternative to Qurbani
Q Donating the Hides of Sacrificial Animals to Welfare Organisations
Q What if a Sacrificial Animal Dies or Gets Lost?
Q Wearing a Sapphire Stone
Q Using the Money Set Aside for Sadaqah al Fitr to Organise Iftar
Q Wearing Contact Lenses as a Cosmetic Accessory
Q Dressing a Newborn Child in Yellow Clothes
Q Can Men Wear Red Clothes?
Q Keeping the Hem of One’s Lower Garment Above the Ankles Even While Wearing Socks
Q The Correct Way of Applying Kajl/Kohl
Q Can Men Wear a Ring Made of Silver Mixed with Another Metal?
Q Can Men Wear Buttons Made of Metals other than Gold and Silver?
Q Can Men Get their Ears Pierced?
Q Falsifying Age
Q Is it Haram to Backbite a Non-Muslim Person?

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