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The Importance and Fazeelat of Praying in the First Row
(darulifta alikhlas)

The Prophet (SAW) said: "if people were to know how much reward is bestowed upon calling the Adhan and praying in the first row, they would resort to drawing lots (to determine who gets the opportunity to earn this reward)". (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith Number: 615)
The Prophet (SAW) placed great emphasis on the importance and fazeelat of praying in the first row during congregational prayers. This is because the Shariah encourages advancing in acts of righteousness. Moreover, it is narrated in a hadith that the Prophet (SAW) used to make dua for the forgiveness of those in the first row three times and once for those in the subsequent rows.
Furthermore, the Prophet (SAW) emphasised the proper alignment of rows and considered it to be a part of completing the prayer. He prohibited standing in the back rows when there is space available in the front rows. Therefore, as long as there is space available in the row in front, one should not form another row.
However, people are often oblivious to this great fazeelat of praying in the first row and thus pray in the back rows. This deprives them of the Prophet’s dua for forgiveness.
May Allah grant us the opportunity to pray in the first row, Ameen.

Issued by Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi

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