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Salath (Prayer)

Q Praying Salat al-Tasbih before Tahajjud or after Tahajjud
Q Can Hanafi perform Asr prayer after Misl e Awal?
Q It is better to perform Witr in congregation in Ramadan
Q Ruling on the distance within the rows in the mosque due to a compulsion
Q Shariah Ruling about Eclipse
Q Prayer of the Solar Eclipse
Q Ruling on offering Salah (نماز) in half sleeves shirt
Q How to offer Sajda -e-Tilawat when a person hears Ayat-e-Sajda before joining Jammat?
Q Leaving Fajr Sunnah to acquire blessings of Takbeer-e-Oola / Jammat
Q Sunnah of fajr prayers
Q Starting time of Fajr is True Dawn (صبح صادق) and not the False Dawn (صبح کازب)
Q Offering sunnat rakats of Juma before Mid day
Q A person forgets to adjoin another Sura with Sura Fatiha in the first two or first rakat
Q Passengers of Ship Travelers or Resident?
Q Wujoob of Juma in non muslim country
Q Leaving Sunnah after juma
Q Keeping hands above Navel during Salath
Q Saying Aameen loudly
Q Supplications after durood during Salath
Q Raising hands in each rakat
Q Forgetting Sura Fatiha in Salath
Q Is Adhan sunnat or wajib
Q Imam Stands without sitting in First Qa'dah
Q Is it necessary to pronounce Niyyat
Q Forgetting الصلوة خير من النوم in fajr Adhan
Q Missing three Salatul Juma