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Inheritance & Will Foster

Q Share of a Missing Wife in her Late Husband's Inheritance
Q Who is Entitled to the Pension of a Deceased Person?
Q Depriving Sisters and Daughters of their Inheritance Share
Q Making a Will to be Buried in the Ancestral Village
Q Can a Muslim Inherit from a Non Muslim?
Q Inheritance Rights of an Adopted Child
Q Forgoing One's Inheritance Share so that the other Heirs Recieve a Larger Portion
Q Distribution of Property Among Heirs During One's Lifetime
Q Bequeathing a House to Daughters Only
Q Saying "Give this item of mine to so and so after my death"
Q Reclaiming Money Invested in the Reconstruction of a House that is Part of Father's Inheritance
Q Can a Muslim Inherit from a Qadiani?
Q Distribution of the Unspent Money Originally Sent for Sick Mother's Treatment
Q Inheritance Ruling for Gratuity and Provident Fund
Q Disinheriting Offspring
Q Distribution of Prize Bond Winnings Among Heirs
Q Share of adopted girl in the inheritance of guardian and the widow deprived of the inheritance by brothers of the deceased
Q Distribution of property between wife, three sons and three daughters
Q Division/ distribution of Inheritance between widow, four sons and three daughters
Q Share of Grand Daughter in Grand father's estate and one daughter, two sisters and one brothers share in sister's estate
Q Distribution of 12 thousands dollar among father, mother, husband and two daughters
Q Saying "This thing belongs to so-and-so" About One's Belongings Without Giving up Possession of Said Belongings
Q Hereditary Status of a House Gifted by a Late Husband to his Wife without Giving up its Ownership
Q Do Gifts Labelled as Inheritance Shares given to an Offspring by the Father during his Lifetime Diminish the Offspring's Inheritance Share?
Q Giving or Bequeathing a Portion of One's Assets to Grandchildren
Q Hereditary Status of a House Gifted by a Mother to her Sons while still Residing in it
Q Demanding Rent from Heirs Residing in Inherited Property