Topic: Hereditary Status of a House Gifted by a Mother to her Sons while still Residing in it   (No-40)

Q A woman gifted her house to her three sons, transferring its ownership to them. However, she continued to live in the house after the ownership transfer. One of the sons recently passed away. Will his wife and children be entitled to a share of this house?

a According to Shariah law, a "hibah" (gift) is only considered complete when the gifted item is transferred to the recipient, along with ownership rights. This means that the donor relinquishes all control over the item (including residence, belongings, possession, and the ability to control its use).
Furthermore, when gifting a divisible item, like a house, to multiple recipients, it is necessary to specify each recipient's share and transfer that portion of the property to them. A mere verbal gift without such division and transfer is not considered complete.
In the scenario described, the mother's act of transferring the ownership of the house to her three sons, while residing in the house herself and failing to determine each son's specific share and transferring it to him, constitutes an incomplete "hibah" according to Shariah. A complete "hibah" necessitates the transfer of possession as well as complete ownership rights, and in the case of an item that is to be distributed among multiple recipients (as is the case here), it also necessitates the specification of each recipient's share and its transfer to them. Since neither full possession and ownership rights nor specific shares were determined and transferred, the house remains under the mother's ownership during her lifetime and should be distributed among the heirs according to the laws of inheritance prescribed by Shariah, upon her passing.


الدر المختار مع رد المحتار: (كتاب الهبة، 690/5، 691، ط: سعيد)
(وتتم ) الهبة ( بالقبض ) الكامل ( ولو الموهوب شاغلا لملك الواهب لا مشغولا به) والأصل أن الموهوب إن مشغولا بملك الواهب منع تمامها وإن شاغلا لا فلو وهب جرابا فيه طعام الواهب أو دارا فيها متاعه أو دابة عليها سرجه وسلمها كذلك لا تصح.

الدر المختار مع رد المحتار: (692/5، ط: سعید)
"(و لو سلمه شائعًا لايملكه فلا ينفذ تصرفه فيه) فيضمنه و ينفذ تصرف الواهب، درر. ... و له: و لو سلمه شائعًا إلخ) قال في الفتاوى الخيرية: و لاتفيد الملك في ظاهر الرواية قال الزيلعي: و لو سلمه شائعًا لايملكه حتى لاينفد تصرفه فيه فيكون مضمونًا عليه، و ينفذ فيه تصرف الواهب، ذكره الطحاوي وقاضي خان، وروي عن ابن رستم مثله، وذكر عصام أنها تفيد الملك وبه أخذ بعض المشايخ."

الفتاوی الهندية: (كتاب الهبة، 392/4، ط: رشیدیة)
"فالمروي عنه في الهبة إذا كان الواهب في الدار أو كان فيها متاع الواهب أنه لا يجوز."

الأصل للشيباني: (باب الهبة فيما لايجوز، 372/3، ط: دار ابن حزم)
"الرجل يهب الدار لرجلين و دفعها إليهما و لم يقسم لكل واحد منهما نصيبه هل تجوز الهبة؟ قال: لا. قلت: و كذلك الصدقة."

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 802 Dec 22, 2018

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