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Q Hiding Illnesses when Sending a Marriage Proposal
Q Getting Married due to Strong Desire
Q The Sunnahs of Nikkah
Q Validity of a Nikkah Conducted with Only Allah as the Witness
Q Concealing Illnesses when Sending a Marriage Proposal
Q Placing a Ring on the Fiancée's Finger
Q Holding the Qur'an over the Bride's Head at the Time of Rukhsati
Q Claiming Mahr from Deceased Husband's Estate
Q Pocket money for One's Wife
Q Sitting Together and Engaging in Rituals of the Fiancées During Engagement Ceremonies
Q The Shariah Perspective on Jahez (Dowry)
Q Breaking Off an Engagement is Merely a Breach of Promise
Q Title: Mahr Mu'ajjal (معجّل) vs Mahr Muajjal (مؤجّل)
Q Long-Term Separation Between Husband and Wife Does Not Nullify Nikkah
Q Can the Wife Demand Separate Residence?
Q Wife's Visits to Parents: How Often and Who Should Bear the Travel Expenses
Q To marry an aunt (Father’s sister) and her niece at the same time
Q Making the Groom Recite the 6 Kalimas at the Time of Nikkah
Q Pocket money for One's Wife
Q Ruling on marriage (نکاح) at the time of sexual urge (شہوت)
Q What is Hurmat e Musaharat (حرمت مصاہرت) ?
Q The breaking up of nikah after husband or wife's death and seeing each other's face after death
Q Shariah Ruling about Nikah Done through messages
Q Order regarding women who marries a Christian man
Q Ruling on Marrying (Nikah) with Christian and Jewish Women
Q Ruling on Seeking Permissiom for Second Marriage
Q A Person who is not doing nikah with out any valid reason
Q Attending marriage ceremonies in which acts against shariah are committed
Q Delaying marriage of younger daughter while waiting for an appropriate match for elder one
Q Order regarding Nikah of adult female without parent's permission
Q Can Family of bride demand money from groom
Q Religion of Child where father is Christian and mother is Muslim
Q Reasons due to which Nikah breaks
Q Marriage with Qadiani Man
Q Effects having sexual relationship with Sister in Law on the Nikah
Q Can Fiancées Sit Together and Engage in Rituals During Engagement Ceremonies?