Topic: Long-Term Separation Between Husband and Wife Does Not Nullify Nikkah    (No-18100)

Q A person has been married for approximately 10 years or more. Shortly after their nikkah, due to certain issues, the husband and wife decided to live separately. They have been living in different houses ever since but meet on occasions like weddings and other events. They also communicate via phone and video calls but have been living apart for the past 10 years without conjugal relations. Both agreed to this arrangement. Is this permissible according to Shariah, and does it affect their nikkah? Are they sinful for living like this, and what is the ruling on such an arrangement in Shariah?

It should be noted that a prolonged period of separation between a husband and wife does not affect the validity of their nikkah. Therefore, in the scenario presented, as long as the husband has not divorced the wife, their nikkah remains intact. However, being bonded by nikkah imposes numerous mutual rights and obligations. Living apart for such long periods prevents the spouses from fulfilling these rights and obligations, which is considered to be a sin according to Shariah. Hence, in this case, both spouses should repent and seek forgiveness for their negligence of each other's rights in the past and strive to fulfill them. They should make every effort to reconcile and avoid living separately. If they cannot fulfill each other's rights and reconciliation seems impossible, the husband should not keep the wife in a state of uncertainty but should rather free her from the marital bond by granting her a divorce.


الفتاوى الهندية: (348/1، ط: دار الفكر)‏
‏(وأما حكمه) فوقوع الفرقة بانقضاء العدة في الرجعي وبدونه في البائن كذا في ‏فتح القدير. وزوال حل المناكحة متى تم ثلاثا كذا في محيط السرخسي.‏

الدر المختار مع رد المحتار: (229/3، ط: دار الفكر)‏
ومن محاسنه التخلص به من المكاره
‏(قوله ومن محاسنه التخلص به من المكاره) أي الدينية والدنيوية بحر: أي كأن ‏عجز عن إقامة حقوق الزوجة، أو كان لا يشتهيها.‏

بدائع الصنائع: (151/3، ط: دارالكتب العلمية)‏
وأما حكم الخلع ‏‎…‎‏ فحكمه أنه يقع الطلاق، ولا يسقط شيء من المهر، وإن ‏كان ببدل‎.‎

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 82 Jul 05, 2024
mia shohar khawand or biwi ka arsa arsah daraz tak aapas mein alag rehne se say niakah ka khatam nahi hona

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