Topic: The Shariah Perspective on Jahez (Dowry)    (No-18111)

Q I am getting married this year, Insha'Allah. I have wholeheartedly decided not to accept any jahez (dowry). My mother has also asked my future mother-in-law not to give us anything as dowry. However, my mother-in-law (in future) is insisting on giving us some items as jahez, saying that she did the same for her first daughter as well. If I accept the dowry, will I be sinful?

The essential items given to the bride by her relatives at the time of marriage are referred to as "jahez" (dowry). It is established from the Hadith that the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself gave some essential items to his beloved daughter, Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her), when he married her to Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).
In light of this, it is permissible for the bride's parents to give her some essential items at the time of her wedding. However, three fundamental principles must be kept in mind when giving jahez:
1. It should be given according to the parents' financial situation and should not exceed their financial capacity.
2. Only essential items should be given, avoiding all elements of israf (extravagance).
3. It should not be given with the intention of flaunting or showing off. Giving jahez is a kind gesture from parents to their child, which should not be tainted with elements of ostentation, public display, or exhibition.


سنن النسائی: (77/2)
عن على رضى الله عنه قال جهز رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- فاطمة فى خميل وقربة ووسادة حشوها إذخر.

الموسوعۃ الفقھیۃ الکویتیۃ: (166/16، ط: دار السلاسل)
ذهب جمهور الفقهاء إلى أنه لا يجب على المرأة أن تتجهز بمهرها أو بشيء منه، وعلى الزوج أن يعد لها المنزل بكل ما يحتاج إليه ليكون سكنا شرعيا لائقا بهما. وإذا تجهزت بنفسها أو جهزها ذووها فالجهاز ملك لها خاص بها".

ذخيرة العقبى في شرح المجتبى: (154/28، ط: دار المعراج الدولية)
"(منها): ما ترجم له المصنّف -رحمه اللَّه تعالى-، وهو مشروعيّة تجهيز الرجل. بنته بما تحتاج إليه، مما تيسر له.
(ومنها): ما كان عليه صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم أيضًا، من العناية ببناته، والقيام بتربيتهنّ، وتزويجهنّ، وتجهيزهنّ لأزواجهنّ بما جرت به العادة، حتى تكون الألفة والمحبة بين الزوجين دائمة؛ لأن الرجل إذا لم يكن للزوجة جهاز ربما يتبرّم، ويتثاقل منها، ولا يحسن عشرتها، ولا يريد أن تطول صحبتها له.

آپ کے مسائل اور ان کا حل: (247/6، ط: مکتبہ لدھیانوی)

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul Ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi

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