Topic: Can Family of bride demand money from groom   (No-749)

Q What do respected Muftis say about the issue where there is a custom in our area that the family of bride demands money from the family of groom that is at least equivalent to 0.4 to 0.5 million rupees. From this money, the family of bride either purchase various articles for her or use the money themselves like they build house or invest in a business. I want to ask whether it is permissible to demand money for Nikah considering that some people are very poor. Kindly clarify in light of Quran and Hadees

aIt should be clear that if the money that is taken by the family of girl is the Mehr then the girl will be the owner of that money and father or brother of the girl do not have the right to use the money without girl's permission. In case the Mehr has not been finalized and money has been taken unduly, by oppression, and brother or father of the girl demand that money for themselves then this is considered as bribe which is haram and must be returned

Allah knows best
Darulifta Al Ikhlas, Karachi

Print Full Screen Views: 1021 Jan 27, 2019

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