Topic: Can the Wife Demand Separate Residence?    (No-18097)

Q A man got married, and the couple lived together for some time. Later, the wife went to her parents' house and now refuses to return. It has been discovered that she is requesting a separate house and kitchen. Is it mandatory for the husband to provide a separate house for his wife, or should she stay with his parents?

a It is important to note that the husband is obligated to provide for his wife's basic needs, including accommodation. It is his responsibility to arrange a private, secure room with kitchen and bathroom facilities that allow her to comfortably fulfill her natural and religious needs, without any interference from other household members. This provision is the wife's legal right. She is not entitled to demand more than this. Even if the husband provides such facilities within the same household as his parents, he fulfills his responsibility. It is not necessary to provide a separate residence in a different location.


الفتاوی الھندیۃ: (الباب السابع عشر في النفقات، 556/1، ط: ماجدية)
"تجب السكنى لها عليه في بيت خال عن أهله وأهلها إلا أن تختار ذلك".

رد المحتار: (مطلب في مسكن الزوجة، 601/3، ط: سعيد)
"إن أمكنه أن يجعل لها بيتا على حدة في داره ليس لها غير ذلك".

الھدایۃ: (417, 418، ط: رحمانیۃ)
وعلی الزوج ان یسکنھا فی دار مفردۃ لیس فیھا احد من اھلہ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ولو اسکنھا فی بیت من الدار مفردۃ ولہ غلق کفاھا۔

البحر الرائق: (193/4)
الاسکان للزوجۃ علی زوجھا فتجب لھا کما تجب النفقۃ۔۔۔ لیس لہ ان یشترک غیرھا لانھا تتضرر بہ۔

فتاوی عثمانی: (487/2، ط: مکتبۃ معارف القرآن)

فتاوی عباد الرحمن: (202/5، ط: دار الافتاء و التحقیق)

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 149 Jul 05, 2024

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