Making a Will to be Buried in the Ancestral Village (No-19163)
My father-in-law is very ill and has expressed a wish in his will to be buried in his ancestral village, Johi. While we understand the significance of this for him, we all live in Karachi, and Johi lacks proper facilities. Additionally, his house there has been closed for a long time. Given these practical challenges, would it be considered sinful if we bury him in Karachi for ease and proper arrangements?

It should be noted that according to Shariah, it is not wajib (obligatory) for the heirs to fulfill the will of the deceased to be buried in his ancestral village "Johi". The heirs will not be sinning if they do not fulfill this will.
الدر المختار مع رد المحتار: (666/6، ط: دار الفکر)
أوصى بأن يصلي عليه فلان أو يحمل بعد موته إلى بلد آخر أو يكفن في ثوب كذا أو يطين قبره أو يضرب على قبره قبة أو لمن يقرأ عند قبره شيئا معينا فهي باطلة سراجية وسنحققه.
(قوله أوصى بأن يصلي عليه فلان) لعل وجه البطلان أن فيها إبطال حق الولي في الصلاة عليه
Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.