After the burial of deceased, paying of debts, and if there is a legitimate will (وصیت) for someone, then after implementing the will in one third (1/3rd) of property, the remaining property will be divided in total 88 parts out of which 11 parts will be given to wife , 14 parts to each son and 7 parts to each daughter.
If the property is divided in percentage (100%), the wife will get 12.50 %, each son will get 15.90% and each daughter will get 7.95% .
القرآن الکریم: (النساء، الایة: 12)
ولھن الربع مما ترکتم إن لم یکن لکم ولد، فإن کان لکم ولد فلھن الثمن مما ترکتم۔۔۔۔الخ
و قوله تعالی: (النساء، الایة: 11)
یوصیکم اللہ في أولادکم للذکر مثل حظ الأنثیین۔۔۔۔الخ
ALLAH Almighty knows best