It should be noted that simply gifting something to someone verbally, without giving them actual possession of the item, is not sufficient for the "hiba" (gift) to be considered complete. Instead, for a hiba to be deemed complete, it is necessary to give the person being gifted possession of the item, in addition to saying it verbally.
Therefore, in the situation described in the question, all the items that have been verbally gifted will be considered the property of the woman during her lifetime, and will need to be distributed among the rightful heirs as per the laws of inheritance prescribed by Shariah after her passing.
That being said, if all the heirs are willing to accept and act upon the verbal statement of the deceased woman, it is permissible to do so, provided that all the heirs are baaligh (have reached puberty).
الفتاوی الھندیة: (378/4، ط: دار الفکر)
لا يثبت الملك للموهوب له إلا بالقبض هو المختار،هكذا في الفصول العمادية.
الدر المختار: (689/5، ط: دار الفکر)
"بخلاف جعلته باسمك فإنه ليس بهبة"
عمدۃ القاری: (باب لا وصیة للوارث، 55/14، ط: دار الکتب العلمیة)
"وقال المنذري: إنما یبطل الوصیة للوارث في قول أکثر أہل العلم من أجل حقوق سائر الورثة، فإذا أجازوہا جازت، کما إذا أجازوا الزیادۃ علی الثلث".
Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.