Topic: Giving Sadaqah after Shaving off a Newborn's Hair    (No-11120)

Q If a newborn’s hair weighs 4 grams, how much silver needs to be given as Sadaqah?

a After shaving off a newborn’s hair, it is “Mustahab” (recommended) to give either silver or its price that is equal to the weight of the shaved hair, as Sadaqah.


مصنف ابن أبی شیبۃ: (319/12)
عن علی رضی اللہ عنه قال: "عقّ رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم عن الحسن بشاۃ فقال: یا فاطمة! احلقی رأس وتصدقی بزنة شعرہ فکان وزنه درہماً أو بعض درہم".

سنن الترمذی: (1519)

اعلاء السنن: (119/17)

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 43 Oct 02, 2023

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