Giving the nazar’s (vow's) money to debtor (No-14677)
If a person has a debt of 10 lakhs, but has enough food and drink for his family, and also has three tolas of gold which he has kept for his daughter's wedding so that he can give it to her on wedding, but it is currently in his possession, can we give him 15000 as a gift or money from the mannat (vow)?

It is important to note that the mannat's money must be given to a deserving person. Giving it to an undeserving person will not fulfill the mannat. Therefore, in the given situation, after deducting the debt amount (10 lakhs), if the mentioned person does not have enough property or goods in his possession beyond his basic needs, the value of which reaches fifty-two and a half tolas of silver, then you can give the mannat’s money to such a person.
بدائع الصنائع: (49/2، ط: دار الکتب العلمیة)
فإن كان عليه دين فلا بأس بأن يتصدق عليه قدر دينه وزيادة ما دون المائتين۔
الدر المختار: (343/2، ط: ایچ ایم سعید)
المدیون لا يملك نصابا فاصلا عن دينه، وفي الظهيرية: الدفع للمديون اولى منه للفقير.
رد المحتار: (339/2، ط: ایچ ایم سعید)
هو مصرف أیضاً لصدقة الفطر والکفارة والنذر وغیر ذلک من الصدقات الواجبة۔
واللّٰه تعالٰی اعلم بالصواب
دارالافتاء الاخلاص، کراچی