Topic: Making Dua with Raised Hands after Burial    (No-17019)

Q Is it appropriate to raise our hands and make congregational dua after burying the deceased?

a There is evidence of the Prophet (peace be upon him) raising his hands and making dua while facing the Qibla after burying a deceased person. Thus if someone wishes to make dua after burying a deceased person, they should face the qibla and make dua with their hands raised.


الفتاوی الھندیۃ: (الباب السادس عشر فی زیاۃ القبور و قرأۃ القرآن فی المقابر، 350/5)
اراد الدعأ یقوم مستقبل القبلۃ کذا فی خزانۃ الفتاویٰ

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 273 Jun 03, 2024

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