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Topic: Evidence from Hadith for Reciting Kalima Tayyiba 70,000 times for the Deceased    (No-18037)

Q If someone recites the Kalima Tayyibah 70,000 times as a form of Eisal e Sawab for a deceased person, will the deceased person be forgiven and spared from their punishment in the grave and in the later stages of the Hereafter?

aThere is no Sahih Hadith that mentions the fazeelat of reciting the kalima tayyiba 70,000 times. However, it is said by Sheikh Muhiudinn Ibn Arabi in the book "Mirqaat Sharh Mishkat" that a narration from the Prophet (peace be upon him) reached him stating that whoever recites "la ilaha illallah" 70,000 times will be forgiven, and whoever it is recited for will also be forgiven.
Thus, no sahih hadith supports the fazeelat of the practice of reciting the kalimah tayyiba 70,000 times for the forgiveness of the deceased; however, it is one of the "experiences" of the religious elders. Therefore, if a person recites the kalima tayyiba many times without considering it obligatory or Sunnah, specifying a particular quantity, or associating a distinct fazeelat with it, then it will surely bring them reward. Similarly, if it is recited as a form of Eisal e Sawab for the deceased, then Insha'Allah it will be a cause for their forgiveness.


مرقاۃ المفاتیح: (98/3- 99)
قال الشیخ محي الدین ابن العربی أنہ بلغني عن النبي صلی علیہ وسلم أن من قال لا إلہ إلا اللہ سبعین ألفا غفر لہ ومن قیل لہ غفرلہ أیضا․

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

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