Topic: Eating or Drinking in the State of Janabah (major ritual impurity)    (No-18080)

Q Q: Is it prohibited to eat or drink while in the state of janabah?

a It is permissible to eat or drink while in the state of janabah (major ritual impurity). However, before eating or drinking, one should rinse the mouth and wash the hands. Eating or drinking without rinsing the mouth is considered makruh tanzihi.
Additionally, if a person drinks something without first rinsing their mouth, only the first sip is considered makruh. The mouth is purified after this first sip, so the sips that follow are not considered makruh.


الدر المختار: (کتاب الطھارۃ، 175/1)
لا قنوت (ای لا تکرہ) ولا اکلہ وشربہ بعد غسل ید و فم ولا معاودہ اھلہ قبل اغتسالہ۔

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul Ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 84 Jul 01, 2024

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