Wearing Watches Sold by the Company Named "Sunlord" (No-8179)
Is it permissible to wear a watch from the company Sunlord?
Request for Clarification:
Respected Sir,
Your question is unclear. Are you asking about a specific watch from this company or do you want to know the Sharia ruling on wearing any watch from this company? Also, if there is any reason for objection (due to which you are asking the question) in your mind, please clarify that as well, and then your question will be answered.
Jazak Allah Khair
Dear Sir,
I am asking this question because in common English, the meaning of the word Sunlord comes out to be something in the vicinity of accepting the sun as a God (Nauzubillah). In light of this, is it permissible to wear a watch from this company?
It cannot be considered haram or forbidden to wear a watch from this company simply because the meaning of the company's name is inappropriate. Therefore, wearing a watch from this company is permissible in itself.
However, if a company actually names itself something that has a polytheistic (related to shirk) meaning (as mentioned in the question, although sunlord could also translate to “owner of the sun”), and if their intention by keeping this name is to promote "Shirk" (polytheism), it would be better to avoid wearing watches or any other items made and sold by such a company.
ردالمحتار :(مطلب المختار ان الاصل فی الاشیاء الاباحة، 78/1)
مطلب المختار ان الاصل فی الاشیاء الاباحة، اقول : وصرح فی التحریر بان المختار ان الاصل الاباحة عند الجمهور من الحنفیة والشافعی
و فیه ایضا:
(قوله فالتعریف بناء علیه) ای علی ان الاصل الاباحة اقول هذا الجواب نافع فیما سکت عنہه الشارع وبقی علی الاباحة الاصلیة اما مانص علی اباحته او فعله علیه السلام فلا ینفع وقد نص فی التحریر علی ان المباح یطلق علی متعلق الاباحة الاصلیة کما یطلق علی متعلق الاباحة الشرعیة فالاحسن فی الجواب ان یقال المراد بقوله فی التعریف ماثبت ثبوت طلبه لا ثبو ت شرعیة والمباح غیر مطلوب الفعل وانما هو مخیر فیه۔
فقه البیوع: (193/1، ط: مکتبه دار العلوم کراتشی)
وان کان سببا بعیدا بحیث لا یفضی الی المعصیۃ علی حالتھا الموجودۃ بل یحتاج الی احداث صنعۃ فیہ کبیع الحدید من أھل الفتنۃ وأمثالھا، فتکرہ تنزیھا
Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.