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Talking in the Back Rows During Taraweeh Prayers
(darulifta alikhlas)

There is a narration from Hazrat Hassan Basri (rahmatullah e alaihe) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "A time will come when conversations among people in mosques will revolve around worldly matters. Do not sit with these people, for Allah has no concern with them." (Shu'ab al-Iman, Hadith Number: 2701)
Since mosques are designated for the worship of Allah, recitation of the Quran, and remembrance of Allah, it is necessary for every Muslim to show respect and reverence towards them. Therefore, it is essential to keep mosques free from worldly discussions, noise, and all other actions that may disrespect the sanctity of mosques.
However, it has been observed that during Taraweeh prayers, a significant number of worshippers sit in the back rows engaging in conversations. Just as the Imam goes into rukoo, they quickly join the prayer. This behavior is disrespectful to not only the mosque but also the Noble Quran that is being recited in the Taraweeh. Additionally, it deprives them of the Sunnah of listening to the complete Quran during Taraweeh prayers.
May Allah grant us the ability to refrain from disrespecting mosques and the Noble Quran. Ameen.

Allah the Almighty knows best
Issued by Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi

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