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The Importance of Suhoor
(darulifta alikhlas)

A Sahabi reports that he once visited the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and saw that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was having suhoor. The Prophet said: “undoubtedly, suhoor is a blessing that Allah has bestowed upon you, so do not leave it”. (Sunan Nasai, Hadith Number: 2162)
Suhoor holds great significance as it is a sunnah and a source of barakah. Therefore, every Muslim should begin their fast with suhoor. Even if someone does not feel like eating anything, they should have at least a small portion of something light (a date or a few sips of water) with the intention of following the blessed Sunnah of the Prophet. Regarding this, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) has narrated that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said “Allah and his angels send mercy upon the people who have suhoor”.
Some people are negligent in this matter and stay awake all night, only to fall asleep at the time of Suhoor, thus depriving themselves of Allah’s mercy and the prayers of His angels.
In conclusion, in order to obtain the angels’ prayers, we should all make sure we have suhoor.

Issued by Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi

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