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Topic: What Should be Done if Ghusl e Janabah becomes Wajib while Fasting?   (No-11211)

Q If ghusl e janabah becomes wajib upon a person while fasting, does their fast get invalidated? If not, then what is the correct way of performing ghusl e janabah? Should the person gargle while rinsing their mouth during ghusl?

It is to be noted that experiencing “ihtilam” (involuntary ejaculation of semen while sleeping) does not invalidate the fast. As for the correct way of performing ghusl while fasting; special care should be taken to ensure that water does not enter the throat or reach the brain, thus, one should neither gargle while rinsing the mouth, nor snort water into the nose.


مجمع الانھر: (360/1)
ولو اکل او شرب او جامع ناسیاً لا یفطر وکذا لونام فاحتلم

بدائع الصنائع: (112/1، ط: زکریا)
ومنہا: المبالغۃ في المضمضۃ والاستنشاق إلا في حال الصوم فیرفق؛ لأن المبالغۃ فیہما من باب التکمیل في التطہیر فکانت مسنونۃ إلا في حال الصوم لما فیہا من تعریض الصوم للفساد۔

الفتاویٰ التاتارخانیۃ: (رقم الحدیث: 377، 276/1، ط: زکریا)

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

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