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Topic: Order regarding spaying/neutering of cat due to specific needs   (No-2841)

Q Can we do neutering or spaying of our cat?
Explanation: We have had our cat since it was very little.
She's grown up and is making a lot of noise. She needs a partner, but most of the Male cats in the US are neutered and are with organizations.
If we give it to organizations, maybe they will kill it. Or keep it locked in a cage.
We can't even let the cat go because it's snowing here and it is not egal too.
The only solution seems to be spaying/neutering.

aIt should be clear that spaying/neutering of animals is only permissible, if there is a need or to get a benefit


رد المحتار: (249/5)
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Darulifta Al Ikhlas,Karachi

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