Topic: Common practice of Bee See   (No-659)

Q What do respected Muftis have to say about the common practice of Committee (Bee See). In this practice one person collects an amount on monthly basis and then the entire collection is given to one other person. Is it permissible to follow this practice of Bee Cee? Kindly guide in the light of Quran and Hadees

aIt should be noted that the practice of committee (Bee See) where some people jointly save an agreed upon amount on monthly basis. That amount is then collected by a responsible person. When the collection reaches a pre determined figure then a particular participant is chosen via balloting and he receives the collected amount, therefore there is nothing against shariah in this practice as every person is eventually going to get back his money at the end of a month. However, there should be no felonious betting involved in this process

Allah knows best
Darulifta Al Ikhlas, Karachi

Print Full Screen Views: 724 Jan 20, 2019

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