Topic: Can interest money be given to a needy relative?    (No-6651)

Q The bank has given me some money as interest, which I have kept and I did not use it, the question is, can I give that money to one of my poor relatives?

aYes! You can give interest money to your poor and needy relatives; However, while giving the amount of interest to a poor person, there should be no intention of reward, but only the intention to avoid the scourge of haraam wealth.


رد المحتار: (کتاب الحظر و الإباحة، 385/6، ط: دار الفکر)
ویردونہا علی أربابہا إن عرفوہم، وإلا تصدقوا بہا؛ لأن سبیل الکسب الخبیث التصدق إذا تعذر الرد علی صاحبہ۔

قواعد الفقه: (ص: 115)
ویتصدق بلا نیۃ الثواب وینوی بہ براءۃ الذمۃ۔

Allah knows best
Darulifta Al Ikhlas,Karachi

Print Full Screen Views: 2966 Feb 08, 2021

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