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Topic: Killing the one who makes a woman runaway with him   (No-670)

Q What do respected Muftis say about the issue where someone makes a woman runaway with him. This act is considered a big crime in village which causes great conflicts among families and fights continue for years. So would it be permissible to execute that person and is it permissible to consider this act as source of anarchy in the land

aIt should be noted that it is not permissible to execute a person who made a woman runaway with him. However, if this act causes unrest and riots, and bloody fights continue between families then in this scenario, the Muslim Judge or ruler of Islamic state may get the person executed under penal codes for causing anarchy in land. But if the person and women are passing life after getting married in accordance with Shariah then it s not right to execute them.

Allah knows best
Darulifta Al Ikhlas, Karachi

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