Topic: When does it become “Farz” for Children to Fast?    (No-8065)

Q At what age does it become “Farz” for children to fast?

a Shariah rulings, such as acts of worship like prayers and fasting, become "farz" only when a Muslim reaches puberty. However, if children are willing to fast even before reaching puberty, they should be encouraged to fast from time to time. This will help them become accustomed to fasting and make it easier for them to fast during Ramadan when they do reach puberty.


سنن ابی داؤد: (71/1)
عن عمروبن شعیب عن ابیہ عن جدہ قال قال رسول اللہ ﷺ مروااولادکم بالصلاۃ وھم ابناء سبع سنین واضربوھم علیھاوھم ابناء عشروفرقوا بینھم فی المضاجع۔

الدر المختار: (کتاب الصلاة، 5/2، ط: زکریا)
والصوم کالصلاة علی الصحیح کما في صوم القھستاني معزیاً للزاھدي، وفي حظر الاختیار أنہ یوٴمر بالصوم والصلاة وینھی عن شرب الخمر لیألف الخیر ویترک الشر۔

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 132 Jul 20, 2021

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