Topic: Giving Fidyah in the Form of Household Items, Groceries etc. Instead of Cash   (No-8072)

Q Assalamualaikum! For the fulfilment of fidyah, is it mandatory to feed a needy person or is it permissible to give them groceries or clothes instead?

aGiving fidyah in the form of clothing, groceries, or household items such as a sewing machine or a washing machine is permissible. Fidyah can also be given in the form of cash.


بدائع الصنائع: (461/2)
وامّا الذی یرجع الی المودّی فمنھا ان یکون مالاً متقوّما علی الاطلاق سواء کان منصوصاً علیہ اولا من جنس المال الذی وجبت فیہ الزکاۃ او من غیر جنسہ والاصل انّ کل مال یجوز التصدق بہ تطوعاً یجوز اداء الزکاۃ منہ ومالا فلا۔

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 127 Jul 21, 2021

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