Topic: Ruling Regarding Qaza and Fidyah for the Fasts of an Ill Person who Passes Away during Ramadan    (No-8074)

Q My grandfather passed away this Ramadan. He had been sick for the past two months and therefore was not able to fast. Is it obligatory to give fidyah for the fasts he missed during this Ramadan?

aIf your grandfather passed away due to an illness that prevented him from fasting, and he did not have sufficient time to perform qaza for the missed fasts before his passing, then it is not obligatory to perform qaza for the missed fasts nor is it mandatory to give fidyah.


الھدایہ: (239/1، ط: مکتبہ رحمانیہ)
و إذا مات المریض و المسافر، و ھما علی حالھما، لم یلزمہما القضاء، و لو صح المریض و اقام المسافر ثم ماتا لزمہما القضاء بقدر الصحۃ و الاقامہ، لوجود الادراک بھذا القدر، و فائدتہ وجوب الوصۃ بالاطعام۔

الفتاوی الھندیۃ: (208/1، ط: مکتبہ رشیدیہ)
و لو فات صوم رمضان بعذر المرض او السفر، و استدام المراض و السفر حتی مات لا قضاء علیہ، لکنہ ان اوصی بان یطعم عنہ، صحت وصیته، و ان لم تجب علیہ۔

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 129 Jul 22, 2021

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