Topic: Qadha (Making up) of I'tikaaf on menses in the state of I'tikaf   (No-14622)

Q A woman started I'tikaaf (seclusion in a mosque for the purpose of worship) two days before Eid, but she got her period during I'tikaaf. However, she did not leave I'tikaaf due to household matters and other reasons. Now she wants to Qadha for it. Should she Qadha for one day or two days?

aGetting menstruation during I'tikaaf breaks the I'tikaaf, and the woman is required to Qadha for one day and night of I'tikaaf, including fasting (Roza). The method of Qadha for it is to perform I'tikaaf for one day and night, along with fasting (Roza), on any day of the year when fasting (Roza) is not prohibited, from sunset until sunset of the next day.


بدائع الصنائع: (116/2، ط: دار الکتب العلمية)

ولو ‌حاضت المرأة في حال ‌الاعتكاف فسد اعتكافها؛ لأن الحيض ينافي أهلية ‌الاعتكاف لمنافاتها الصوم.

واللہ تعالٰی اعلم بالصواب
دارالافتاء الاخلاص،کراچی

Print Full Screen Views: 62 Jan 31, 2024

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