Topic: Keeping the Holy Quran in the shelf after clothes in a wardrobe   (No-14640)

Q I have placed the Holy Quran in the middle shelf of my wardrobe because the top shelf is large and I keep clothes there, and the bottom shelf is used for other things. Is it acceptable to keep the Quran in the middle shelf?

aIn the case mentioned, it is considered respectful to keep the Holy Quran on the top shelf of the wardrobe or in another elevated place. However, if there is no other place to keep the Holy Quran, and due to keep it on the top shelf,there is no alternative for storing clothes, then it is permissible to keep it in the middle shelf.


الفتاوى الهندية: (324/5، ط: دار الفكر)
حانوت أو تابوت فيه كتب فالأدب أن لا يضع الثياب فوقه.

واللّٰه تعالٰی اعلم بالصواب
دارالافتاء الاخلاص،کراچی

Print Full Screen Views: 260 Feb 06, 2024

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