It should be noted that "Mabroor" is an Arabic word that translates to "accepted". Hajj al-Mabroor is a Hajj in which the pilgrim repents and seeks forgiveness from all their sins, and performs Hajj in a complete manner which entails diligently performing the Mustahabbat and the Sunan of Hajj as well as its Faraiz and Wajibat, abstaining from all acts that are prohibited in the state of Ihram, avoiding showing off during Hajj, abstaining from Haram income and ensuring that all the Hajj expenses are covered using Halal income. If a person becomes more devout in Deen after performing Hajj, it is a clear indication that their hajj is “mabroor” (accepted in the Court of Allah).
تحفۃ الاحوذی: (باب ما جاء في ثواب الحج و العمرة، 454/3، ط: دار الکتب العلمیۃ)
(۔۔للحجة المبرورة) قيل المراد بها الحج المقبول وقيل الذي لا يخالطه شيء من الإثم ورجحه النووي وقال القرطبي الأقوال في تفسيره متقاربة المعنى وحاصلها أنه الحج الذي وفيت أحكامه فوقع مواقعا لما طلب من المكلف على الوجه الأكمل كذا قال السيوطي في التوشيح
Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.