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Topic: Referring to Hajj Performed on Friday as “Hajj e Akbar”   (No-15947)

Q People refer to Hajj performed on Friday as “Hajj e Akbar” in comparison to the Hajj performed on other days. The question is, how appropriate is it to call the Hajj performed on Friday "Hajj e Akbar"?

aAlthough several reputable books mention that the Hajj performed on Friday is 70 times better in terms of reward than the Hajj performed on a regular day, but it is not valid or accurate to call the Hajj performed on Friday "Hajj e Akbar".


رد المحتار: (261/2، ط: دار الفکر)
لوقفة الجمعة مزية سبعين حجة. ويغفر فيها لكل فرد بلا واسطة.

احیاء العلوم: (240/1، ط: دار المعرفۃ)
وقال بعض السلف إذا وافق يوم عرفة يوم جمعة غفر لكل أهل عرفة وهو أفضل يوم في الدنيا

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

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