Topic: Demolishing graves in patio of Masjid   (No-685)

Q What is the opinion of Respected Scholars about the issue where there are two graves in the patio of masjid that are very old. Earlier salath was not offered at that place but now the number of people has increased due to which salath is now offered there. So, can we demolish and make that area part of masjid

aIt should be clear that if the graves in the patio of Masjid are old enough such that there is a higher chance that parts of dead body have interconverted into soil then those graves can be leveled to be made part of Masjid and salath can be offered on it


رد المحتار: (233/2، ط: دار الفکر)
ولو بلي الميت وصار ترابا جاز دفن غيره في قبره وزرعه والبناء عليه۔۔۔۔روي «أن مسجد النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - كان قبل مقبرة المشركين فنبشت» كذا في الواقعات۔اه.

Allah knows best
Darulifta Al Ikhlas, Karachi

Print Full Screen Views: 988 Jan 22, 2019

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