Topic: Distribution of Qurbani Meat   (No-8612)

Q Can the person who performs Qurbani keep all of the Qurbani meat for themselves, or is it necessary to divide it into three parts and distribute it?

aThe better approach is to divide the Qurbani meat into three parts: one part for one's household, one part for one's relatives and close friends, and one part for the poor and needy. However, this division is not Wajib or necessary. If the person performing Qurbani has a large family and needs the meat for their own use, they can keep all of the meat for themselves. There is no sin in doing so.


رد المحتار: (328/6، ط: دارالفکر)
والأفضل أن یتصدق بالثلث ویتخذ الثلث ضیافۃ لأقربائہ وأصدقائہ، ویدخر الثلث، ویستحب أن یأکل منہا، ولو حبس الکل لنفسہ جاز؛ لأن القربۃ في الإراقۃ والتصدق باللحم تطوع۔

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 163 Oct 17, 2021

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