There are 3 types of Hajj:
1) Hajj al-Qiran: This type of Hajj involves performing both Hajj and Umrah with the same Ihram, without removing it between the two. In other words, after completing Umrah (in the months of Hajj – Shawwal, Dhul Qa’dah, Dhul Hijjah), the pilgrim does not shave their head (halq) or shorten their hair (qasr), but instead remains in the state of Ihram until the days of Hajj. Then, Hajj is performed while still in Ihram, followed by the shaving of the head or the shortening of the hair, and the removal of the Ihram. In this type of Hajj, it is Wajib to offer a sacrifice known as Dam e Shukr. Hajj al-Qiran is considered the most virtuous and preferable among the three types of Hajj.
2) Hajj al-Tamattu’: This type of Hajj involves performing both Hajj and Umrah in such a way that the pilgrim exits the state of ihram by either shaving their head or shortening their hair, after performing Umrah (in the months of Hajj – Shawwal, Dhul Qa’dah, Dhul Hijjah), and then re-enters the state of ihram when the days for Hajj arrive, this time with the intention for Hajj. Similar to Hajj al-Qiran, Dam e Shukar is also wajib for pilgrims performing Hajj al-Tamattu’. This type of Hajj is more virtuous and preferable to Hajj al-Ifrad.
3) Hajj al-Ifrad: During this type of Hajj, pilgrims enter Ihram specifically for Hajj and do not perform Umrah. Unlike Hajj al-Tamattu' and Hajj al-Qiran, Dam e Shukar is not Wajib for those performing Hajj al-Ifrad.
الھدایة: (279/1، ط: رحمانیة)
القران افضل من التمتع و الافراد، و صفتہ القران ان یھل بالعمرۃ و الحج معا من المیقات، و یقول عقیب الصلاۃ "اللھم انی ارید الحج و العمرۃ، فیسرھما لی و تقبلھما منی۔
و فيها ایضاً: (283/1، ط: رحمانیة)
التمتع افضل من الافراد، و صفتہ ان یبتدی من المیقات فی اشھر الحج، فیحرم بالعمرۃ ویدخل مکۃ، فیطوف لھا، و یسعی لھا، و یحلق او قیصر و قد حل من عمرتہ و یقطع التلبیۃ اذا ابتدأ بالطواف، ویقیم حلالا، فاذا کان یوم الترویۃ احرم بالحج من المسجد و فعل ما یفعلہ الحاج المفرد۔
رد المحتار: (515/2، ط: دارالفکر)
(قوله لأنه مفرد) تعليل لما استفيد من التخيير بقوله إن شاء والذبح له أفضل، ويجب على القارن والمتمتع
Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.