Topic: Using Alcohol-based Sprays, Soaps, Shampoos and Sanitizers   (No-16991)

Q Is it permissible to use alcohol-based products such as medicines, soaps, sprays, shampoos etc. to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in mosques?

aIf the alcohol used in sprays, soaps, shampoos, and hand sanitisers is made from one of the "Ashribah Al Arba'ah al Muharrama" (the 4 forbidden drinks), i.e., alcohol extracted from grapes or dates, it is considered "Najis" (impure), and its use is not permissible. However, if it is extracted from something other than grapes or dates, such as corn, sorghum, berries, potatoes, rice, or petrol, then it is not considered "Najis," and its external use is permissible. That is, if it is applied to clothes or a part of the body, they will not be considered impure.
These days, alcohol-based products are not commonly made from alcohol extracted from dates or grapes. Therefore, unless it has been firmly established or there is at least a strong suspicion that a product is made from alcohol extracted from dates or grapes, its use is permissible. If it has been firmly established or there is a strong suspicion, then using it, as well as buying or selling it, is not permissible.


تکملۃ فتح الملہم: (حکم الکحول المسکرۃ، 408/3)
حکم الکحول المسکرۃ(Alcohals) فإنہا إن اتخذت من العنب أو التمر فلا سبیل إلی حلتہا أو طہارتہا ، وإن اتخذت من غیرہا فالأمر فیہا سہل علی مذہب أبي حنیفۃ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ وإن معظم الکحول التي تستعمل الیوم في الأدویۃ والعطور وغیرہا لا تتخذ من العنب أو التمر ، إنما تتخذ من الحبوب أو القشور أو البیترول وغیرہ ، وحینئذ ہناک فسحۃ في الأخذ بقول أبي حنیفۃ عند عموم البلوٰی ، واللہ سبحانہ أعلم ۔

Allah the Almighty knows best.
Darul ifta Al-Ikhlas, Karachi.

Print Full Screen Views: 131 May 24, 2024

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