Topic: The house, where doors are closed for relatives……Research of a Hadith    (No-3542)

Q Assalam o Alaikum Mufti Sahab, kindly authenticity of this Hadith may be shared. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (ﷺ) said: The house, where doors are closed for relatives, and the house where there is practice of being awake till late night and getting up late in morning, then over there, no one can stop shortage of sustenance (رزق) and barakah (برکت).

a The Hadith which is being quoted with reference of Sahih Al-Muslim, is not mentioned in Shahih Al-Muslim , therefore, unless a correct reference is available, quoting it to be from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (ﷺ) is not correct.

ALLAH Almighty knows best

Print Full Screen Views: 1848 Feb 17, 2020

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