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All Question (English)

Q Wujoob of Ghusul when semen does not drop or touch body
Q Responding to Adhan during menstruation
Q Selling Cigarette or gutka
Q Sexual Intercourse during Ramadan
Q Salath with unwanted hairs not cut since 40 days
Q Buying Car on installment
Q Validity of Talaq Given in a State of Anger
Q Keeping wife after pronouncing divorce three times
Q Bone Marrow of animal that is alive
Q Imam Stands without sitting in First Qa'dah
Q Limit of beating student
Q Giving meat to crows and kites
Q Order regarding young boy with groom
Q Will the one who dies on Friday will be saved from punsihment
Q Exchanging edibles with Neighbors
Q Accepting feast of person whose earnings are based on interest
Q Eating part of sheep without slaughtering
Q Is it necessary to pronounce Niyyat
Q Showing oneself as part of some other family to become eligible for Umrah
Q The way to give divorce according to Shariah
Q Getting together after Khula which was taken without Husband's consent
Q Forgetting الصلوة خير من النوم in fajr Adhan
Q Recitation of Surah Malik and Surah Sajda before going to bed
Q A prayer recited after seeing someone in trouble
Q Combining and Selling Tea Leaves of High and Low Quality
Q Missing three Salatul Juma
Q Possible way of deliverance from a situation of conflict between husband and wife
Q Cloths from Flea Market
Q Order regarding non alcoholic bear
Q Taking interest based loan from bank
Q Utilizing Zakat in digging canal
Q Order regarding hairs of Women
Q Effects having sexual relationship with Sister in Law on the Nikah
Q Salatul Jinaza of a person who committed suicide
Q Ruling on the Sale of the Meat of an Animal Before its Slaughter
Q Selling Birthday Items
Q Give away girls during reconciliation
Q Pointing with finger after ablution
Q Reserve a place in Masjid
Q Selling Bracelets, Rings, and Pendants to Men
Q Religious Verdict: Selling and Buying Human Hair
Q Adding Ice to Milk
Q Using Allah's Name or Naat in Business Promotional Videos
Q Selling a Purchased Plot before Full Payment and Possession Handover
Q Reselling Plot Files without Taking Possession
Q Sharia Ruling on Abiding by Copyright Laws in a Non-Muslim Country
Q Saiyed ul Istighfaar
Q Using Allah's Name or Naat in Business Promotional Videos
Q Ruling on Buying Gold on Credit
Q Selling Board Games such as Chess, Ludo, Carrom, and Related Items