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All Question (English)

Q Can a Muslim Inherit from a Qadiani?
Q Distribution of the Unspent Money Originally Sent for Sick Mother's Treatment
Q Inheritance Ruling for Gratuity and Provident Fund
Q Disinheriting Offspring
Q Distribution of Prize Bond Winnings Among Heirs
Q Adopting a Child and Changing their Parentage
Q Adopting an Illegitimate Child and Writing the Adoptive Parent's Name as the Child’s Father
Q Giving Sadaqah after Shaving off a Newborn's Hair
Q Where to Dispose of a Newborn’s Hair After Shaving it?
Q Printing Images of Living Beings in Media such as Books and Magazines
Q Time Period for Breastfeeding
Q Do Foster Mothers and Biological Mothers Have Equal Rights?
Q Can an Animal Portion Slaughtered for Sale Be Used for ‘Aqeeqah’?
Q Giving 'Sadaqah' Instead of Performing the ‘Aqeeqah’
Q Can Hanafi perform Asr prayer after Misl e Awal?
Q Duas to be Recited Upon Seeing the Crescent of a New Month
Q Nature of the Prophet's Worship before Receiving Prophethood (Nubawwat)
Q Distribution of “Aqeeqah” Meat
Q Parents Who Do Not Get Their Children Circumcised Are Sinful
Q Compensation for Not Performing Qurbani during the Specified Days
Q Minimum Age Requirement for Sacrificial Animals
Q The Days of Qurbani
Q Distribution of Qurbani Meat
Q Buying Two Moderately-Priced Animals Instead of One Expensive Animal for Qurbani
Q There is No Alternative to Qurbani
Q Donating the Hides of Sacrificial Animals to Welfare Organisations
Q What if a Sacrificial Animal Dies or Gets Lost?
Q Pocket money for One's Wife
Q Wearing a Sapphire Stone
Q Using the Money Set Aside for Sadaqah al Fitr to Organise Iftar
Q Wearing Contact Lenses as a Cosmetic Accessory
Q Dressing a Newborn Child in Yellow Clothes
Q Can Men Wear Red Clothes?
Q Keeping the Hem of One’s Lower Garment Above the Ankles Even While Wearing Socks
Q The Correct Way of Applying Kajl/Kohl
Q Can Men Wear a Ring Made of Silver Mixed with Another Metal?
Q Can Men Wear Buttons Made of Metals other than Gold and Silver?
Q Can Men Get their Ears Pierced?
Q Falsifying Age
Q Is it Haram to Backbite a Non-Muslim Person?
Q Giving Gifts or Financial Assistance to a Worker on Christmas
Q Wearing Watches Sold by the Company Named "Sunlord"
Q The "Masnoon" Way of Applying Oil to the Hair and Applying Kohl/Kajl
Q The Significance and Fazeelat of Wearing a Imama (Turban)
Q an Men Wear a Ring on their Index and Middle Fingers?
Q Wearing Jewellery Made for Men
Q Can a Women Wear a Cap?
Q In which Country should a Person who Resides outside of their Home Country give Sadaqah al Fitr?
Q Is Sadaqah al Fitr the Right of an Imam?
Q Sadaqah al Fitr for a Child Born on the Day of Eid