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All Question (English)

Q Becoming obligatory of Zakat even with five and a half tolas of gold and a small amount of cash or silver
Q Is the time of suhoor in normal days the start of Fajr Azan?
Q Eating suhoor (sehri) during azan
Q Arranging iftar for relatives
Q Fasting continuously throughout the year
Q Giving the nazar’s (vow's) money to debtor
Q The Shariah ruling on fasting on the days of menstruation (Hadh) In case of lack of strength
Q Shariah Ruling on spending the money received for Iftar and Sehri in some other Masraf
Q The ruling on muddy spots during postpartum bleeding(Nifas) and the ruling on blood that occurs before the completion of fifteen days after postpartum bleeding
Q Ruling on Attending a Feast Arranged by the Bride's Side Before the Wedding
Q Going Elderly woman on Umrah with Group without Mahram
Q Various rulings to perform sacrifice on behalf of another person
Q Praying Salat al-Tasbih before Tahajjud or after Tahajjud
Q To marry an aunt (Father’s sister) and her niece at the same time
Q Fasting on the Fifteenth of Shaban
Q Donating blood while fasting
Q Ruling regarding reminding a fasting person who has eaten or drunk anything in the state of fasting by mistake
Q Adding words by oneself in the translation of hadith
Q Keeping the Holy Quran in the shelf after clothes in a wardrobe
Q Ruling for women to follow the imam from the room during Taraweeh prayer at home
Q Qadha (Making up) of I'tikaaf on menses in the state of I'tikaf
Q Fasting without eating suhoor
Q Is Suhoor Necessary for Nafil Fasting?
Q Evidence of Worship During the Night of Forgiveness (15th night of Sha'ban) in light of the Prophet's hadith
Q Visiting graveyards on Shab e barat (the 15th night of Sha’ban)
Q Having sexual intercourse while fasting
Q Smoking Cigarettes while fasting
Q The Shariah status of Friday and Eid sermons and the Shariah Ruling about listening to these sermons
Q Chewing gum while fasting
Q Vomiting water while fasting
Q "Root Canal" and tooth filling while fasting
Q Eating or drinking something by mistake while fasting
Q Dental Cleaning and filling while fasting
Q Inserting medicine into a woman’s vagina while fasting
Q Using niswar while fasting
Q Vomiting while Fasting
Q Putting drops in the nose while fasting
Q Applying medicine inside the mouth while fasting
Q Fasting on Friday
Q Applying Kohl/Kajal and Cutting Nails While Fasting
Q Applying chap stick (lip balm) while fasting
Q The meaning of Sawm-ul-Wisal
Q The Prophet’s (SAW) Iftar
Q Spending Money given for Iftar and Suhoor on other Expenses
Q Providing Iftar to Fasting Relatives
Q Which is better: Having Iftar at the Mosque or having Iftar at home
Q The Time of the End of Suhoor
Q Suhoor is Sunnah
Q Eating Suhoor During the Azan
Q When should the Dua for Iftar be Recited?