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All Question (English)

Q Inheritance Rights of an Adopted Child
Q Forgoing One's Inheritance Share so that the other Heirs Recieve a Larger Portion
Q Distribution of Property Among Heirs During One's Lifetime
Q Bequeathing a House to Daughters Only
Q Saying "Give this item of mine to so and so after my death"
Q Reclaiming Money Invested in the Reconstruction of a House that is Part of Father's Inheritance
Q Shaping Eyebrows that Extend Beyond their Natural Shape
Q Hiding Illnesses when Sending a Marriage Proposal
Q Getting Married due to Strong Desire
Q Of Sunnah Mu'akkadah Rak'ahs in Jummah Prayer
Q The Sunnahs of Nikkah
Q Jummat ul Widaa'
Q Ruling on Smoking Cigarettes and Using Naswar
Q Validity of a Nikkah Conducted with Only Allah as the Witness
Q Concealing Illnesses when Sending a Marriage Proposal
Q Placing a Ring on the Fiancée's Finger
Q Holding the Qur'an over the Bride's Head at the Time of Rukhsati
Q Claiming Mahr from Deceased Husband's Estate
Q Consuming Gravy from a Dish made with Haram Meat
Q Pocket money for One's Wife
Q Consuming Chocolates Imported from Non Muslim Countries
Q Sitting Together and Engaging in Rituals of the Fiancées During Engagement Ceremonies
Q The Shariah Perspective on Jahez (Dowry)
Q Breaking Off an Engagement is Merely a Breach of Promise
Q Title: Mahr Mu'ajjal (معجّل) vs Mahr Muajjal (مؤجّل)
Q Long-Term Separation Between Husband and Wife Does Not Nullify Nikkah
Q Can the Wife Demand Separate Residence?
Q Wife's Visits to Parents: How Often and Who Should Bear the Travel Expenses
Q Shaking Hands with a Transgender Person
Q Eating or Drinking in the State of Janabah (major ritual impurity)
Q Eating a Non Mahram's Leftovers
Q Saying "You are free from me" in a State of Anger or During a Discussion about Divorce
Q Saying "RIP" or "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" Upon the Death of a Non Muslim
Q Giving Ghusl to the Deceased
Q Signalling with the Hand while Saying Salam to the Graves
Q Can Women Visit Graveyards?
Q Evidence from Hadith for Reciting Kalima Tayyiba 70,000 times for the Deceased
Q Mourning the Death of a Family Member for 3 days
Q The Ruling on Performing the Funeral Prayer (Janaza) for Someone Who Committed Suicide
Q Reciting Surah Fatiha in the Janazah Prayer
Q The Method of Janaza (Funeral) Prayer and the Duas to be Recited in it
Q Right to Lead the Janaza (Funeral) Prayer
Q Congregational Dua after Janaza (Funeral) Prayer
Q Shariah Ruling on Performing Janazah (funeral) Prayer
Q Reciting Quran at the Burial Site for Isal e Sawab
Q Making Dua with Raised Hands after Burial
Q Burying Relatives Close to Each Other
Q Burying the deceased with a Coffin
Q The Sunnah Method of Carrying a Funeral
Q Urinating while Standing