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All Question (English)

Q Calling the Azan at the Grave
Q Praying 40 Consecutive Prayers to Seek the Virtue of Praying Forty Prayers in Masjid al Nabawi
Q Ruling on the Authenticity of the saying "Seventy people will be raised from a grave on the Day of Judgement" and the Permissiblity of Burying a Person in an Already Occupied Grave
Q Who should Bear the Expenses of the Grave?
Q Delaying the Burial to Await for a Close Relative's Arrival
Q Building a Roof over a Grave or Making it Solid to Protect it from Rain
Q Placing a nameplate on a grave
Q Ruling on Ghusl and the Purity of Clothing after Swimming in a Sea or Swimming pool which is Contaminated with Urine
Q Showing the Face of the Deceased at the Time of Burial
Q Does Falling Asleep on a Chair or while Leaning Against a Wall Nullify Wudu?
Q Method of Tayammum
Q Using Alcohol-based Sprays, Soaps, Shampoos and Sanitizers
Q Washing Clothes in an Automatic Washing Machine
Q Ruling on Spitting in the Direction of the Qibla and Sitting in the Toilet in the Direction of the Qibla
Q Reciting the Shahada and Pointing Towards the Sky with a Finger after Wudu
Q Faraiz of Ghusl
Q Showering while Standing
Q Giving Friday Greetings
Q Quran Khwani Gatherings
Q Celebrating Eid Meelad un-Nabi in the Way that is Prevalent Today
Q Performing Wudu after Applying Vaseline
Q Performing Wudu and Ghusl in the Bathroom
Q Ruling on Performing Wudu with Waterproof Makeup, and then Praying
Q Performing Wudu with Snow
Q The Method of Using a Miswak
Q Cooking Haleem and other Dishes Specially on the 9th and 10th of Muharram
Q Teeja and Chaleeswan
Q Cutting a Cake or a Ribbon to Inaugurate a Store
Q Celebrating Wedding Anniversary
Q Referring to Hajj Performed on Friday as “Hajj e Akbar”
Q Hajj al-Mabroor and its Signs
Q Visiting and Praying Nafil Prayers at Sacred Sites (Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Cave of Thour, Cave of Hira, etc.) after Performing Umrah
Q Clapping as a Form of Encouragement
Q Hajj Performed Before Puberty
Q The Conditions and Intention for Hajj al-Qiran
Q The 4 Essential Arkan of Umrah
Q Can an Elderly Woman Perform Hajj Without a Mahram?
Q Does performing Umrah make Hajj obligatory?
Q Procedure for Performing Hajj al-Tamattu’
Q Performing Hajj on Behalf of a Deceased Person
Q Types of Hajj
Q Covering the Face in the State of Ihram
Q The Masnoon Method of Slaughtering
Q When Should One Wear Ihram?
Q Sacrificing on Behalf of the Prophet (peace be upon him), Religious Elders, and Parents
Q Avoiding Cutting Hair and Nails during the first 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah
Q Distributing Meat in Joint Qurbani
Q The Fazail (virtues)of Qurbani
Q How many Sacrifices are Obligatory for a Pilgrim? Should a Pilgrim Shave their Head or Cut their Hair?
Q Exchanging a Sacrificial Animal after Purchasing it