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All Question (English)

Q Combining Aqeeqah and other Voluntary Forms of Sacrifice while Slaughtering a Large Animal
Q Reciting duas like جل جلالہ، صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم، علیہ السلام، رضی اللہ عنہ، رحمۃ اللہ Upon Hearing the Names of Allah, Prophets, Companions, and Respected Elders
Q Seeking Spiritual and Religious Benefit from the Company of Awlya’ during their Lifetime and Interceding through them after their Demise
Q How Many Wives did the Prophet (peace be upon Him) Have?
Q The Meaning of the Popular Phrase "Despair is Kufr"
Q Should Qadianis be labelled as kafirs or murtads? Should they be called towards Islam?
Q Difference Between Prophets, Messengers (rasool), and Paighambar (Apostles)
Q Relatives Recognising Each Other in Jannah
Q Good or Bad Taqdeer
Q Sharia Ruling on Making and Watching Films on the Lives of Prophets and Companions
Q Using a Pump to Increase the Pressure of the Gas Supply due to Gas Shortages
Q Does Vomit Make Clothes Impure?
Q Can Only Sayyids Wear Black Imama (Turban)?
Q When should the Dua for Iftar be Recited?
Q Breaking One’s Fast with Salt
Q Is Suhoor Necessary for Fasting?
Q Ingesting Inedible Items while Fasting
Q Pregnancy Checks while Fasting
Q Bleeding from the Teeth while Fasting
Q Masturbating while Fasting
Q Using an Inhaler while Fasting
Q Start of Menstruation During Fasting
Q Water Accidentally entering the Throat While Rinsing the Mouth during Fasting
Q Using a Nebuliser to Administer Medicine while Fasting
Q Blood from the Gums Entering the Throat while Fasting
Q Breaking the Fast according to a Prayer Timings Chart
Q 'Mufattirat Thalatha'
Q Ingesting Petrol While Fasting
Q Ruling Regarding Administering Medicine through the Ears while Fasting in Light of New Medical Research
Q Using a Nasal Spray or an Inhaler while Fasting
Q Performing Umrah while Menstruating
Q List of Things that Invalidate one's Fast and Things That are Makrooh to do while Fasting
Q Time for the end of suhoor on regular days
Q Ruling regarding a situation in which a person forgets their fast, eats or drinks something and then afterwards eats or drinks intentionally again
Q Taking steam while fasting
Q Using Toothpaste while fasting
Q Ruling regarding the use of toothpaste while fasting
Q Ruling on fasting the last 15 days of Sha’ban
Q Gargling while fasting
Q Ruling regarding reminding a fasting person who has eaten or drunk anything in the state of fasting by mistake
Q Ruling regarding the use of Miswak and toothpaste while fasting
Q Laylat-ul-qadr happens on different dates according to each country’s calendar
Q On which country's basis should the fast of the Day of Arafah be observed?
Q Ruling regarding the fast of a person who eats suhoor thinking that there is still some time left, but finds out later that the time for suhoor had ended
Q Ruling regarding a fast that has been broken before sunset
Q Applying lipstick while fasting
Q Swallowing food that has entered the throat due to a burp (belching) while in the state of fasting
Q Fasting (Roza) on the last day of menstruation and cleaning unnecessary body hair while fasting (Roza)
Q Sleeping for Suhoor (sehri) and the best time to eat Sehri
Q Shariah Ruling on eating suhoor (Sehri) until the Fajr azaan of the mosque of one's neighborhood