Qaza (compensation), kaffarah (expiation) and fidyah of fasting

Q The Shariah ruling on fasting on the days of menstruation (Hadh) In case of lack of strength
Q Swallowing Each Other’s Saliva while Having Sexual Intercourse
Q Giving Fidyah Despite having the Ability to Perform Qaza
Q Ruling for Performing Qaza for Fasts Missed due to Menstruation in Case of Weakness
Q Qaza for the Fasts Missed by a Mentally Ill Person
Q Giving Fidyah for the Fasts of the Upcoming Ramadan
Q Having Sexual Intercourse while Observing a Qaza Fast does not make it Obligatory to give Kaffarah
Q Is it Mandatory to Observe Qaza Fasts on Consecutive Days?
Q Is Qaza Mandatory or is Giving Fidyah instead Enough? Also, What is the Amount to be Given for Fidyah?
Q Qaza Fasts in Sha'ban
Q Fasting during “Haiz” (menstruation), “Nifas” (post-birth vaginal bleeding) and “Istehaaza” (vaginal bleeding that is neither menstrual nor post-birth)
Q Can a Diabetic Patient Skip Fasts in Ramadan?
Q Making the Intention for a Qaza Fast while Observing a Nafil Fast in Shawwal
Q Fidyah for 30 Missed Fasts and a Years Worth of Missed Prayers
Q Compensation for a Nafil Fast Broken on Purpose: Qaza or Kaffarah?
Q Performing Qaza for Years Worth of Fasts
Q Regaining the Ability to Fast after Giving Fidyah
Q Should Women Perform Qaza for Fasts Missed due to Menstruation?
Q Ruling Regarding the Fidyah for the Fasts of a Person who is not Mentally Stable
Q Can a labourer skip Fasts due to Severe Heat?
Q Giving Fidyah because of Chronic Illness
Q Fidyah for the Fasts of One’s Elderly Mother
Q Kaffarah for a Nafil Fast
Q Breaking the Fast due to Fever
Q Ruling Regarding Qaza and Fidyah for the Fasts of an Ill Person who Passes Away during Ramadan
Q Giving Fidyah in the Form of Household Items, Groceries etc. Instead of Cash
Q Performing Qaza for Fasts Missed due to Examinations is Obligatory
Q Are Women Exempted from Fasting During their Menstruation Cycle?
Q Compensation for Fasts Missed due to Pregnancy
Q Can a Breastfeeding Woman Skip Fasts in Ramadan?
Q Engaging in Sexual Intercourse while not being in the State of Fasting in Ramadan
Q How to Compensate for Fasts for which a Vow (mannat) has been made
Q Should an Ill Person Fast?
Q Can a Person who Intends to Travel in the Afternoon Skip that Day’s Fast?
Q Fainting (Losing Consciousness) While in the State of Fasting
Q Breaking One’s Fast on a Doctor’s Recommendation

More in Qaza (compensation), kaffarah (expiation) and fidyah of fasting

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