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All Question (English)

Q Going to the Wudu Area to Wash Hands, Brush Teeth, or Use Miswak During I'tikaaf
Q Ruling on Engaging in Specific Forms of Worship on Shab e Baraat
Q Ruling on Marrying in Sha'baan, Muharram, and Safar
Q Ruling on Fasting on the 15th of Sha’baan
Q Ruling on Teaching Online During I'tikaaf
Q Ruling on Hugging and Kissing One's Wife During I'tikaaf
Q Ruling on Giving Sadaqah After Shaving off a Newborn's Hair
Q Ruling on Shaving a Newborn Baby’s Birth Hair
Q Can Neighbors and the Imam Use the Mosque’s Solar Power System
Q Reciting "بسم الله، والسلام على رسول الله" and " نويت الاعتكاف ما دمت في المسجد" When Entering a Mosque
Q Ruling on Bringing Seven-year-old Children to the Mosque
Q Doing Zikr Loudly in a Mosque
Q Do parents receive the reward for their children's good deeds or the punishment for their sins?
Q Where Should Ta'leem Take Place in a Mosque?
Q Circumcision with the help of Lasers
Q Circumcision is a Sunnah
Q Wearing New Clothes on Eid during Iddah
Q Does Divorce Take Place by Writing Down Phrases like "I divorce you"?
Q Getting Back Together After One Written Divorce
Q Saying "I divorce you" many times in one sitting
Q Intention Alone Does Not Cause a Divorce to Take Place
Q Divorce Given Under the Influence of Ice (Methamphetamine)
Q Duration of Iddah for a Pregnant Woman
Q Restrictions During Iddah
Q When does the Iddah End, Exactly?
Q Ruling on Financial Support from Husband during Iddah
Q Ruling on Working from Home During Iddah
Q Visiting a Doctor During Iddah
Q Ruling on Iddah in Case of Divorce before Rukhsati
Q Where Should a Woman Residing in the US Observe Iddah?
Q Going to the Workplace during Iddah/Moving to a House Closer to the Workplace
Q Duration of Iddah for a Divorced Woman
Q Ruling on "Tahneek" and the Prescribed Method for "Tahneek"
Q Ruling on Reciting the Azaan in a Newborn's Ear before Giving Ghusl
Q Ruling on Reciting the Azaan in a Newborn's Ear
Q Ruling on Performing "Tahneek" on a Newborn
Q The Correct Method of Reciting the Azaan in a Newborn's Ear
Q Delaying the Recitation of the Azaan in a Newborn's Ear
Q Whose Name should be Written in the Parentage Section if the Child is Adopted?
Q Dua to enter the market
Q Prayer for payment of debt
Q Share of a Missing Wife in her Late Husband's Inheritance
Q Who is Entitled to the Pension of a Deceased Person?
Q Depriving Sisters and Daughters of their Inheritance Share
Q Making a Will to be Buried in the Ancestral Village
Q Can a Muslim Inherit from a Non Muslim?
Q Inheritance Rights of an Adopted Child
Q Forgoing One's Inheritance Share so that the other Heirs Recieve a Larger Portion
Q Distribution of Property Among Heirs During One's Lifetime
Q Bequeathing a House to Daughters Only